Bavaria 36 Holiday
Bavaria (DE), Segelyacht, Gebrauchtyacht, NL Contact De Valk Hindeloopen
ATS 949.461,-
AUD 113.987,-
BEF 2.783.453,-
CAD 98.565,-
CHF 66.728,-
DEM 134.952,-
DKK 514.543,-
ESP 11.480.634,-
FIM 410.255,-
FRF 452.610,-
GBP 59.981,-
HRK 529.127,-
ITL 133.602.630,-
LUF 2.783.453,-
NLG 152.056,-
NOK 790.615,-
PLN 317.993,-
PTE 13.833.258,-
RUB 7.036.849,-
SEK 810.125,-
USD 73.121,-
Aktuelle Kurse vom 08.02.2025
Finanzierung ab 557,- € mtl.
(MwSt. inklusiv)
Keine Angaben vorhanden
This bavaria 36 Holiday is a very nice and well maintained family yacht worth your attention. The Bavaria 36 Holiday is more spacious than the Bavaria 36 2000 series. The Bavaria 36 Holiday has a higher qualit of finish, and among other things has a German Lloyds specification. Her interior woodwork is very neat, has lots of storage space and the owners of the yacht have kept her in a very good condition. Lisa has 3 cabins, shallow draft, afurling mainsail and no teak dek. She is now available for a visit at our office in Hindeloopen.
Hans Visser at De Valk Hindeloopen is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
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De Valk Hindeloopen

Oosterstrand 1
8713 JS Hindeloopen
Makler De Valk
Telefon: +31 (0)51452 40 00
Telefax: +31 (0)51452 40 09