Freydis 46
Tournier Marine (FR), Mehrrumpfboot, Gebrauchtyacht, Portugal Portugal
Ausstattung & Aufteilung
Achterkajüte, Bugkabine, Salon
Backofen, Kühlschrank, Kochfeld Gas, Spüle
220V Steckdosen, Anker, Batterie, Batterieladegerät, Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Bilgepumpe mechanisch, Bug-Ankerwinde elektrisch, Generator, Inverter, Landanschluss 230 Volt, Solaranlage zum Batterieladen
Autopilot, Echolot, GPS, Kartenplotter, Kompass, Radar, Sumlog, UKW-Funk, Windmessanlage
Feuerlöscher, Navigationslichter, Nebelhorn, Rettungsinsel, Rettungsweste, Seereling, Signalhorn, Suchscheinwerfer, EPIRB
Genua, Lattengrosssegel, Rollfockeinrichtung, Spinnaker, Spinnakereinrichtung, Sturmfock, Winschen
Planen & Persenninge
Ankerkette, Badeleiter, Beiboot, CD-Player, Cockpittisch, Davits, Deckdusche, Decksluke, Druckwasseranlage, TV, Fender, Festmacher, Gangway, Heizung, Radio, Septiktank, Unterwasseranstrich, weitere Extras, Warmwasserbereiter
Easy rider in light winds as well as in stormy weather, the FREYDIS 46 offers high performances with best seaworthiness. She is ideal for any ocean-passage short handed or with family-crew. Professionally build at Tournier-Marine in Soubise / France LeRouge design that has been kept most performant and light. The first German owner, an ARIANE-AEROSPACE engineer, finished all interior with Honeycomb Airplane-sandwich-panels and sailed *PHÖNIX* on North- and Baltic-sea, before he and his wife crossed the Atlantic for three season Caribbean island cruising. The second German owner-couple sailed *PHÖNIX* until 2019 several seasons round Europe, wintering her ashore every year in Bremen. Last year, the third Dutch owner couple took over and after some technical up-grades, sailed south to the Algarve, where they currently live aboard. They decided to offer *PHÖNIX* for sale again, because they miss their family in the Netherlands and wish to return home. Our offer ref.: 3967 is now available for sale again, to be viewed at any time on appointment in Portugal or later on the route back to the Netherlands.
cat sale

Grohner Bergstr. 3
28759 Bremen
Herr Klaus Tietze
Telefon: +49.(0)421620 83 32
Telefax: +49.(0)421620 83 31
Mobil: +49.(0)176 / 630 646 22