Lagoon 39
Lagoon (FR), Mehrrumpfboot, Gebrauchtyacht, Kroatien Kroatien
ATS 3.164.869,-
AUD 379.956,-
BEF 9.278.177,-
CAD 328.550,-
CHF 222.426,-
DEM 449.841,-
DKK 1.715.142,-
ESP 38.268.780,-
FIM 1.367.518,-
FRF 1.508.701,-
GBP 199.937,-
HRK 1.763.755,-
ITL 445.342.100,-
LUF 9.278.177,-
NLG 506.853,-
NOK 2.635.384,-
PLN 1.059.976,-
PTE 46.110.860,-
RUB 23.456.165,-
SEK 2.700.416,-
USD 243.737,-
Aktuelle Kurse vom 13.01.2025
Finanzierung ab 1.855,- € mtl.
(EU versteuert - nein, MwSt. nicht bezahlt)
Ausstattung & Aufteilung
Achterkajüte, Bugkabine, Eignerkabine, Gästekajüte, Salon
Backofen, Doppelspüle, Gefrierschrank, Kühlschrank, Kochfeld Gas
220V Steckdosen, Anker, Batterie, Batterieladegerät, Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Bilgepumpe mechanisch, Bug-Ankerwinde elektrisch, Landanschluss 230 Volt, Solaranlage zum Batterieladen
Autopilot, Echolot, GPS, Kartenplotter, Kompass, Sumlog, UKW-Funk, Windmessanlage
Feuerlöscher, Navigationslichter, Rettungsinsel, Rettungsweste, Seereling, Signalhorn, Suchscheinwerfer
Gennaker, Genua, Lattengrosssegel, Rollfockeinrichtung
Code 0
Ankerkette, Badeleiter, Beiboot, Cockpitpolster, Cockpittisch, Davits, Deckdusche, Decksluke, Druckwasseranlage, Fender, Festmacher, Gangway, Heizung, Lautsprecher, Radio, Septiktank, Unterwasseranstrich, Warmwasserbereiter, weitere Extras
This 39-foot design by VPLP keeps the signature with vertical windows and overall appearance of previous Lagoon models, but made significant changes to the rig and hulls to improve sailing performance. Most importantly, the mast and centre of buoyancy of the hulls are now much farther aft. The bows are also very fine and plumb to maximize waterline length. Moving the centre of buoyancy in a boat changes everything, including the structure needed to support the loads. Normally, the mast on a cat is stepped over the main bulkhead at the forward end of the house. But because there is no bulkhead under the mast on the 39, Lagoon had to install an unobtrusive compression post at the edge of a galley counter, supported, by a husky bridgedeck, comprising a strong composite beam with stringers that transfer rig loads to the hulls. This grid is also tied into the fore and aft bulkheads, making for a square, stiff structure. Plumbing and wiring are first-class, with everything labelled, bundled and properly clamped with easy access to the electrical and water systems and to the twin engines. This cat served seven seasons for the Croatian Charter Agency, was always professionally maintained and received loving care and certain up-grades by the performance orientated sailor/owner.
cat sale
Grohner Bergstr. 3
28759 Bremen
Herr Klaus Tietze
Telefon: +49.(0)421620 83 32
Telefax: +49.(0)421620 83 31
Mobil: +49.(0)176 / 630 646 22