Broadblue 346
Broadblue Catamarans (UK), Mehrrumpfboot, Neuyacht, Polen Stettin
ATS 4.935.820,-
AUD 592.566,-
BEF 14.469.922,-
CAD 512.395,-
CHF 346.887,-
DEM 701.556,-
DKK 2.674.876,-
ESP 59.682.658,-
FIM 2.132.733,-
FRF 2.352.918,-
GBP 311.815,-
HRK 2.750.691,-
ITL 694.540.049,-
LUF 14.469.922,-
NLG 790.471,-
NOK 4.110.053,-
PLN 1.653.102,-
PTE 71.912.893,-
RUB 36.581.419,-
SEK 4.211.474,-
USD 380.124,-
Aktuelle Kurse vom 23.01.2025
Finanzierung ab 2.894,- € mtl.
(EU versteuert - nein, MwSt. nicht bezahlt)
Ausstattung & Aufteilung
Achterkajüte, Bugkabine, Salon
Backofen, Doppelspüle, Kühlschrank, Kochfeld Gas
12V Steckdosen, 220V Steckdosen, Anker, Batterie, Batterieladegerät, Bilgepumpe mechanisch, Faltpropeller, Inverter, Landanschluss 230 Volt
Autopilot, Echolot, GPS, Kartenplotter, Kompass, Sumlog, UKW-Funk, Windmessanlage
Feuerlöscher, Gaswarngerät, Navigationslichter, Nebelhorn, Seereling, Signalhorn, Suchscheinwerfer
Fock, Gennaker, Lattengrosssegel, Lazy-Bag, Lazy-Jacks, Rollfockeinrichtung, Winschen
Ankerkette, Badeleiter, Cockpitpolster, Cockpittisch, Deckdusche, Decksluke, Druckwasseranlage, Fender, Festmacher, Heizung, Septiktank, Unterwasseranstrich, Warmwasserbereiter, weitere Extras
The Broadblue 346 is small enough to make a passage through the French canals to the Mediterranean but robust enough to carry a Category A RCD certificate, all with 2m headroom throughout the boat. This catamaran is easily handled for families and those who prefer to be just passengers. She also sails very well for her size as a result of the Dazcat design heritage and has proven herself many times, outperforming many larger cruising monohulls and catamarans.
cat sale
Grohner Bergstr. 3
28759 Bremen
Herr Klaus Tietze
Telefon: +49.(0)421620 83 32
Telefax: +49.(0)421620 83 31
Mobil: +49.(0)176 / 630 646 22