Rapier 550
Broadblue Catamarans (UK), Mehrrumpfboot, Gebrauchtyacht, England Süd-England
ATS 15.136.330,-
AUD 1.817.180,-
BEF 44.373.890,-
CAD 1.571.325,-
CHF 1.063.775,-
DEM 2.151.413,-
DKK 8.202.855,-
ESP 183.024.600,-
FIM 6.540.303,-
FRF 7.215.527,-
GBP 956.222,-
HRK 8.435.350,-
ITL 2.129.897.000,-
LUF 44.373.890,-
NLG 2.424.081,-
NOK 12.604.010,-
PLN 5.069.451,-
PTE 220.530.200,-
RUB 112.181.658,-
SEK 12.915.031,-
USD 1.165.701,-
Aktuelle Kurse vom 02.12.2024
Finanzierung ab 8.873,- € mtl.
(EU versteuert - nein, MwSt. nicht bezahlt)
Ausstattung & Aufteilung
Achterkajüte, Bugkabine, Eignerkabine, Gästekajüte, Innenfahrstand, Salon
Backofen, Doppelspüle, Gefrierschrank, Kühlschrank, Kochfeld Elektro
220V Steckdosen, Anker, Ankerkasten, Batterie, Batterieladegerät, Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Bilgepumpe mechanisch, Bug-Ankerwinde elektrisch, Faltpropeller, Generator, Inverter, Landanschluss 230 Volt, Solaranlage zum Batterieladen
600W Sea Hydrogenerator Cruise Watt (2023)
Autopilot, Echolot, GPS, Kartenplotter, Kompass, Radar, Sumlog, UKW-Funk, Wetterfunkempfänger, Windmessanlage
AIS (2023)
EPIRB, Feuerlöscher, Navigationslichter, Nebelhorn, Rettungsinsel, Rettungsweste, Seereling, Signalhorn, Suchscheinwerfer
Fock, Lattengrosssegel, Rollfockeinrichtung, Spinnaker, Spinnakereinrichtung, Winschen
220m² Parasailor with snuffer / Istec (2023)
Planen & Persenninge
Ankerkette, Aufbereitungsanlage für Seewasser, Badeleiter, Beiboot, Cockpitpolster, Cockpittisch, Davits, Deckdusche, Decksluke, Druckwasseranlage, Farb-TV, Fender, Festmacher, Gangway, Heizung, Klimaanlage, Lautsprecher, Radio, Septiktank, Unterwasseranstrich, Warmwasserbereiter, weitere Extras
550 Liter UV freshwater tank + carbon filter water purifier with dedicated fresh water tap to galley
Ocean cruising performance cat by Darren Newton. The Rapier 550 represents the new generation of most innovative and elegant performance catamarans with a true racing heritage. Intelligent electronics, navigation and radically simple sail handling is standard, as are creative contemporary, luxury interiors. Carbon fibre Infused Epoxy making it a fast, light and extremely good-looking boat. With a cruising speed of 15 knots, this boat has the capability of covering 350 miles per day. This Rapier 550 has been enjoyed by her current owner, who due to work pressures decided to offer her for sale. The boat has recently undergone a minor refit in preparation for the successfully finished ARC 2021. After a splendid Caribbean cruise, she is now back at her home-port in England. All maintenance works done, safety equipment up-dated, cleaned and polished to be handed over to her second proud owner now. Broadblue have been using this boat as a demonstrator and there may be an opportunity for a new owner to take advantage of a contribution to running costs if they were prepared to occasionally allow access for marketing purposes. Water recovery system to transfer rainwater to the onboard tanks. This Rapier 550 has been enjoyed by her current owner but work pressures means he is unable to enjoy her to the max and so she is reluctantly for sale.
cat sale
Grohner Bergstr. 3
28759 Bremen
Herr Klaus Tietze
Telefon: +49.(0)421620 83 32
Telefax: +49.(0)421620 83 31
Mobil: +49.(0)176 / 630 646 22