Marsaudon ORC42
Marsaudon Composites (FR), Mehrrumpfboot, Gebrauchtyacht, Frankreich Marseille
ATS 8.655.229,-
AUD 1.039.097,-
BEF 25.373.797,-
CAD 898.512,-
CHF 608.286,-
DEM 1.230.217,-
DKK 4.690.542,-
ESP 104.656.794,-
FIM 3.739.864,-
FRF 4.125.970,-
GBP 546.785,-
HRK 4.823.487,-
ITL 1.217.913.830,-
LUF 25.373.797,-
NLG 1.386.134,-
NOK 7.207.202,-
PLN 2.898.804,-
PTE 126.103.178,-
RUB 64.147.511,-
SEK 7.385.049,-
USD 666.569,-
Aktuelle Kurse vom 23.01.2025
Finanzierung ab 5.074,- € mtl.
(EU versteuert, MwSt. bezahlt)
Ausstattung & Aufteilung
Achterkajüte, Salon
Backofen, Doppelspüle, Kühlschrank, Kochfeld Gas
220V Steckdosen, Anker, Batterie, Batterieladegerät, Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Bilgepumpe mechanisch, Bug-Ankerwinde elektrisch, Inverter, Landanschluss 230 Volt, Solaranlage zum Batterieladen
Autopilot, Echolot mit Tochter, GPS, Kartenplotter, Kompass, Radar, Sumlog mit Tochter, UKW-Funk, Windmessanlage
EPIRB, Feuerlöscher, Navigationslichter, Nebelhorn, Rettungsinsel, Seereling, Signalhorn, Suchscheinwerfer
Gennaker, Genua, Lattengrosssegel, Lazy-Bag, Lazy-Jacks, Rollfockeinrichtung, Spinnaker, Spinnakereinrichtung, Sturmfock, Winschen
Planen & Persenninge
Ankerkette, Aufbereitungsanlage für Seewasser, Badeleiter, Beiboot, Deckdusche, Decksluke, Druckwasseranlage, Fender, Festmacher, Radio, Septiktank, Unterwasseranstrich, Warmwasserbereiter, Waschmaschine, weitere Extras
Built on Barreau plans and manufacture by ORC/MARSAUDON COMPOSITES, the ORC42 previously called TS42, is a reference on light and fast catamaran. She is a rare ORC42 on the second hand market and been delivered in January 2021 to their first and current owner. She is a FIRST HAND BOAT and has never been chartered. This boat has fixed keels which able easy using and security when sailing. The owner sailed on a family Atlantic program from Lorient, Med coast, Atlantic cross, West indies, Grenada, Virgin Island and Europe. A typical boat from the ORC brand in term of comfort, performance and pleasure when steering. She will be part of the crew member for blue water passage and will also accept a wend end of regatta as all the ORC Marsaudon boats. A rare ORC42 available on the market, sold EU VAT Included with a possible take over of French leasing for EU resident.
cat sale
Grohner Bergstr. 3
28759 Bremen
Herr Klaus Tietze
Telefon: +49.(0)421620 83 32
Telefax: +49.(0)421620 83 31
Mobil: +49.(0)176 / 630 646 22